Confused yet:)..?

By Angelabc2378

Train into the unknown.....

Myself and Scott went for a walk today....although it was quite a warm day, the fog and haar were very much prominent....making our walk a little bit unadventurous, considering we were on a beach walk...hey we walked into Newport and this was the view of the rail bridge....quite spectacular in an eerie sort of way......I wonder did the train travellers wonder where they were going.....
Here's the
10 things i wonder when going into the unknown....
1...will I make it out alive???
2...will the big green monster live here?? it a land of marshmallows???
4....Geronimo ....!!!!
5......oh dear, hope my hairs ok
6....shit, have I got matching underwear on???....instilled into me by my mum from a very young age.... the afore mentioned bridge going to fall down again like it did in 1879?????
8.....does Scott feel the same?
9....will I do this again....bearing in mind entry no.1...

A good day was had none the we are going for a pint then a curry...yum yum....I expect my bum may be thinking any of the afore mentioned 10 right now....oops....:-)

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