Confused yet:)..?

By Angelabc2378

Summer already!!!

Can you believe that it is BBQ weather already!!!!
Myself and scott had our first BBQ today...hopefully the start of things to come....
How come food always tastes so so much better when it's been bbq'd??? saying that 10 thoughts of how things are better outside....
1...BBQ's make the food taste so much better esp eaten outside
2...clothes dried on the line smell so much better
3...concerts are more exciting outside
4...having a beer in a beer garden is so much nicer much better going for a run outside and not on a tred mill....not that I do
6...camping may not be as comfortable as being in your own bed, but great fun
7...making though!!!
8...the smell of freshly cut grass associated with outside
9...singing at the top of your voice....try it, it's liberating
10...anything outside is simply so much better

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