All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Eden's dinner time nap

I was still feeling really under the weather today so it was a big benefit to be allowed to work from home again today.

Grandpa brought both Eden & Ethan back here from the holiday cottage, late afternoon. Pretty quickly though, hubbie noticed Ethan had lots more spots on his face. And his hands. And his legs. And on checking his chest, we realised his whole torso was covered! A call to NHS24 and a trip to the doctors later, the verdict was that he has either had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics he's on (so we're to stop giving them to him) or it's a viral infection. Poor thing - it really has been one thing after another these past few weeks.

Eden was good as gold for Grandpa and I whilst hubbie took Ethan to the doctors. I think the excitement of her wee trip away overnight caught up with her though as she fell asleep in the highchair at the end of dinner. Just like Ethan used to do when he was younger too!

Eden and Foreveryoung are staying the night with us tonight as hubbie & I are babysitting Eden tomorrow when Foreveryoung is at work.

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