Simply Me

By Suze981

23.33km (14.5 miles)

Well after a day of total rest yesterday, I practically jumped out of bed this morning. I looked out of the window saw the sunshine and my heart fell a little. I know this is the exact opposite reaction to practically everyone else in Edinburgh, but running in the sunshine is hell.

I set out, armed with my suntan lotion and cap and managed a blinding 23.33km (14.5 miles). The longest run of the year so far. As predicted the sunshine was a killer for the first 5 miles, but once my body adjusted to the heat, I was actually ok. Dare I say, I was happy! Perhaps this sunshine lark isn't all bad.

I ran almost to prestonpans and back and felt wonderful. The rest had the desired effect, my body felt great! I was even singing along to the old iPod (when no one else was around of course). This is a view of the boats in Musselburgh harbour. It's not brilliant, but I didn't want to stop to get a better shot in case I didn't start again!

Thank you to WannabeAmateur, Mikeder and LouLouMcCurdy for your kind words of running support yesterday!

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