Glory Days...

By emkingcol


Another tiring day today but certainly more upbeat than yesterday.

The clocks going forward didn't help and everyone was a little tired by bedtime to say the least.

Decided today would be the day to make a start on the garden in a bid to be ready for the summer. Cutting the grass, however, took a little longer than expected, probably due to it being knee length in places! I really don't care what the garden looks like in the winter and let it become overgrown and not particularly pleasing on the eye but in the summer, I invest hours in making the lawn look nice so it was heartbreaking to see it all tufty after its first cut today. Ok, heartbreaking is a bit dramatic but it pissed me off.

Anyway, spent most of the day in the back garden and feel good for it now.

The wife cooked up a fabulous Italian feast for dinner then bath and bed for me!

By the way, the photo and title has no relevance to the day but she was there so that will do!

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