What another rant?

By JohnA

Bling fixie

What a fantastic day. Sometimes you have them sometime you don't. And even the weather was brilliant. Not Spring, more like Summer.

I got up promptly as I had taken delivery of the 'proper tools' to build my 'Bling fixie'. What is that you may ask? Well, I purchased a new track cycling frame about six months ago, and have been gradually buying the components to build it. It's taken me all that time, but I now have them all, and decided for once that I would buy the tools I needed to fit the forks properly, rather than make 'do' like usual (and spend 10 times longer doing it).

So today it came out of the box, the forks were measured up, and using my (new) guide sawed them to the right length. And a lengthy delay ensued as I blipped the filings on the end of the steerer tube (and as always the first photo taken is always the best!) And by lunchtime the bicycle was being tested up and down the down. It then was proudly positioned in the garden so that I could gloat, whilst I spent the rest of the day, and early evening (it got too dark in the end) pruning our two apple trees. So my second achievement for the day!

I will blip my new bike to show you when I get around to taking a nice enough photo that does it justice.

I hope you all had a great day too.

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