Master Mariner

By MasterMariner

TS Hanna

You might have noticed, but it is hurricane season. A lot of attention was paid to 'Gustav', but don't underestimate 'Hanna'. After a demolition tour in the States, she's moving very rapidly along the eastern seaboard of the United States and will make a speed record Atlantic crossing in just three days. And be careful when you plan a pleasure boat trip along the western Irish coast next week. 'Hanna' is still a tropical storm when arriving at Rockall at September the 11th. Wind speeds up to 45 knots and gusting 55 knots. Remember; that is force 10-11 on the beaufort scale. Unusual? Not at all, a lot of the first real autumn storms in western Europe are remnants of tropical cyclones. This picture was taken this morning at daybreak, it has nothing to do with 'Hanna' just the wind and sea picked up a little bit during the night. Choppy seas, that's all.

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