Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

We are the treasure hunters!

So, more geocaching again today.

We drove out to Ashill first, to find a cache near the church. Unfortunately we got there just as a service was ending, so there were too many people around. So we moved onto another cache. This one was on the Common. It looked like a lovely place for a walk. We saw lots of dog walkers. We probably walked a mile all around. The cache was half way, and we actually found this one! Our first find of the weekend.

The cache was a container with lots of little things in it. The idea is that you take something and leave something. Elizabeth took the giant chocolate coin! We left a balloon and an unused hair slide.

We found one more cache, before going to Jeff's parent's house for lunch.

Big day for Rebecca today, she rolled over from her tummy to her back. She's been rolling onto her tummy for ages now, but the roll onto her back from there is new. She showed her daddy first, then we all saw her do it at the grandparent's house, and then she did it for her daddy again in the evening.

Also at the grandparent's house, Elizabeth chased chickens and called a horse a cow. She played table football and she collected eggs. She also handed everyone some cakes, and saw I didn't have one and said "I forgot to give mummy one, silly me."

More caching after lunch, out Swaffham way. And my first find! Up till then, I had been busy with one or other of the girls, and haven't been able to look properly. However, both girls were asleep in the car and we parked right up next to where the cache was, so I got to look for it too.

We found two more caches before heading to a park that we had spotted in Ashill.

We WILL be going back to this park! Elizabeth loved it. She played for ages and it took a lot to convince her to leave. Rebecca loved it too! She was in the carrier, and was squealing with delight. Then when some older children came over to play, she would giggle her head off everytime they came near or laughed loudly. I have never heard her laughing so hard. Strange!

Back home, we got both girls to bed at a reasonable hour, given the clock change.

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