Housewife's Choice

By christilou


Little R and I took my father in law to his hospital appointment this morning. This time it took two of us, one to drive and drop off and the other to shepherd him safely into the hospital. No good news to be had but then we weren't expecting any. It seems that the specialist had asked his GP to refer him to the Macmillan nurses but this hasn't been done and that's why I haven't been able to get him any help from that direction. She's going to write and ask them again so hopefully they'll be able to see him soon.

Little R took Little B out to Virginia Water today but he was rather naught this time and ran off a long way and wouldn't come back when called! Glad I wasn't there as my stress levels are pretty high anyway. He did come back eventually but I think I'll get him one of those long leads until he learns to behave himself. Not taking him to puppy school tonight as I'm just plain fed up. He's off to the vet tomorrow afternoon for his blood test. Don't suppose he'll like that much!

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