A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

Hold your beak up high

Sorry, the only photos I took today were of the wee Dunnock. It is cute though. I do love their funny head movements.

Warning - wallowing self absorption coming up:-

Absolutely aaages ago I posted a photo of a new pair of trainers which had not seen much action along with an admission that I had entered a couple of ultra marathons. In fact training has gone spectacularly badly since then with me getting flu and then spending the following several weeks feeling exhausted just walking up the stairs. The trainers have done barely 100 miles and still look as good as they did back in January which is pretty bad news with the first race in three months time and me not really being much of a runner.

So, I have had to think about the problem differently and have found a way forward. I am not going to run the race. I am going to move as quickly as I can across the distance. I tested this out fully today, moving across 14 miles of very hilly terrain and in fact not moving as slowly as I thought I would. I now feel much happier about it all now that I have binned any strategies involving running a certain distance before having a walk or anything like that. It is suddenly making the whole thing look a lot more doable and as I think that the greatest obstacle I have to surmount is the psychological one I feel that I have made a great gain in my training even if the physical stuff has a little lot more work to go.

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