The First Cut.

This blip comes to you from the happiest woman in Hertfordshire!

Last Thursday I got the lawn mower out for the first time this year, it wouldn't start. Dead as a Dodo.
I tried it again on Friday - nada. A helpful friend told me to take the spark plug out and clean it.

"I don't have a plug spanner" I explained

"Why not?"

"Because I'm a woman living on my own. I don't have the need for a plug spanner on a regular basis."

"Well obviously you do."

"Well obviously I don't. This is the first time in a number of years that I've needed one."

Anyway, following further discussion he came over on Sunday with said spanner and cleaned the plug. Still nothing.

Today I went to buy a new plug and the lovely man at the mower centre sold me this magic stuff, showed me where to spray it.
It didn't work. I ended up spraying the whole mower, engine, petrol tank, leads the whole caboodle.
Tada.... It started !!!

Here is the product and in the background check out those stripes.

Life is very exciting here. This evening, the fire brigade reserves are at the farm on manoeuvres, I have offered myself, should they need a maiden in distress. Toodle pip blippers.

I love the smell of freshly cut grass.
I love cutting the grass, it's the perfect time for singing.
This was my choice this evening, (amongst others)

The First Cut.

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