Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck


Elvira is Beryl Cook's (the artist) daughter. Wonderful I hear you mutter. But when I saw this in the window of a Chester gallery I knew I had to buy it.
The cafe was just across and down the street from Stonehouse Barracks, headquarters of 3 Commando Brigade. It was a ritual to wander down for a big mug of tea and large egg banjo. As soon as I got it home I realised that I knew one of the people in the picture.
Elvira is casting a sneaky eye over the young Booty waiting for his "Stand Easy" as elevenses is known in HM Corps RM. To the right is my mate in a very highly patterned shirt.

WELL, a few years ago the former helicopter drivers of the Royal Marines had a wake to say goodbye to the Gazelle helicopter. As I got out of my car I saw the chap in the chequered shirt pull up alongside. Handshakes all round then I asked sotto voce what was he doing in Elvira's? He was stunned, looked over his shoulder to make sure nobody had heard us and then asked how I knew about him and the good lady. I felt like Poirot, and explained that my leetle gray cells had gone into overdrive as soon as I saw the shirt. He was the only Sgt. I knew who had one plus it was his hair style.

His gabber was flabbered to an extreme extent and I was informed that nobody else should find out. Tee Heee.

So my leeeetle friends keep this under your leeetle hats and stay Schtumm!

Sorry annuver bout of pneumonia so this is a carp image via the Eye Paddy. Me got bugs!

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