Live, love, laugh

By Rianka


During Game class in the afternoon we played a verity on the game I told them about last week. Something with colors and making the children run around. It was fun. I think it is also very good to see the difference between parenting styles here. Some parents just want their kids to have fun, some want them to do really good. Big difference.

In the morning, in class, I asked Kaho to make a video of me with the boy that tries to speak Dutch. It is so funny and super sweet! He actually stills knows the words, in his own Chinese way. More children are picking up on this game and want to do it with me as well.

And on the way back the schoolbus stopped all of the sudden. There was a stall near the road that sold coconuts. So most of the teachers in the bus got out to buy one. It was a very weird experience. Especially when after that, when we were driving again, a coconut rolled through the bus, from back to front and ended up on the stairs near the door.

Today is also the first day I actually played with my DS since I am in China. I discovered that for some reason Zelda is not working and now I am a little bit sad about that.
Luckily there is a lot of other things to do for me here :)

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