Live, love, laugh

By Rianka

Western Food

Dig in!
That is totally what Beth wanted to do, but I told her that she should wait for the picture. So she told me I should use this picture. And so I do.. Yes, I am apparently that kind of person (and I didn't really had a better one anyway).

Today after work I met up with Beth to have dinner at Wangfujingstreet. We never actually made it to the street because we had the most wonderful dinner in . It was a fancy Western restaurant where we could eat with a knife and fork. Where they had chicken without bones in it. Where they even had a saladebar with cream mushroom soup, pasta and all kinds of fruits and vegetables.
After one month of eating mostly rice and noodles, this was amazing!

For desert we went to McDonalds to get a McFlurry Oreo. After that it was already time to head home again.

Ow and btw, funny thing happened today: two Chinese people came up to me in the street while I was sweeping the floor (in front of the school). They asked me something in Chinese. I looked up to see who was talking to me and they only said 'oh, hi' and then walked away. I thought it was hilarious.

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