
By notabeve

Care Package

My good friend I, who's finally feeling better after being sick for weeks herself, not only treated me to lunch today but sent me home with a package of comforting treats. I feel sooo pampered. Thank you my friend.

I have high hopes for catching up with my favourite journals and comments soon. Things have been happening around here...that's my excuse.

Lest you should be interested in the list of what's occupied us lately I'll provide it without comment. Life has its cycles I know. Just that since the end of January it seems like we've been in spin.

RS's Mom admitted to hospital.
Our fortieth anniversary party.
Daughter K rolls new truck in snowstorm, she and J unharmed.
My Dad dies.
RS's Dad admitted to hospital.
Dad's memorial service.
Gastro-intestinal virus romps through our house.
Short vacation to British Columbia.
RS's Mom admitted to long term care.
RS's Dad recommended for long term care.
Water heater breaks. Beer fridge quits. Okay those two are lame, but tasks do seem to be piling up.

I'm really hoping absolutely nothing happens tomorrow.

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