Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Lil' Buddy

Not much to say for today......

Oh wait! It was another extra-ordinary BBBBBBBBeeeaaautiful day!

The sun shone and the sky was blue, summer blue!

Work was as usual and the day drifted along.....nice!

Then my long term Lil' Buddy BugJemm came in to see me. It was super fab to catch up and I think I will be seen in action on her Blip for today. We chatted and talked a lot about Blipping and how much it has come to mean to us and our co-blippers.

I haven't seen her for a year, it was great to have all the prelim' stuff out of the way so we could start in at the deep end. Thanks to blip we keep in touch every day now!

Here's to all my blip buddies, and here's to BugJemms lovely hair!

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