And You're buying every line of it girl...

When I was little, we lived in a cottage flat. four houses to the block, we were downstairs. Dawdaws were upstairs.

We had a shared drying green, then we had what I looked at as two bits of garden, and then the Dawdaws had garden. Next door was the same - shared drying green, a bit of wild garden and then hens, and then another bit of garden to the top.

The bit of garden next to the dawdaws garden, was mostly grass. there was a small area at the top where some veggies were planted, and a bit at the side, the width of the shed, which was planted with potatoes and bits and bobs. My Tortoise was also murdered there.

The bit of garden between that and the drying green, had roses in it. I used to collect the petals, stuff them into jam jars and fill them with water and make "perfume".

We had a swing, which moved position from beside the shed, to behind the shed to infront of the shed. It split my head open when I was 5. By June next door.

Occassionally I drive past that house, and I peer up the back, to see how different it looks now.

It doesn't look that different actually, smaller if anything; but I think that is because I'm bigger.

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