Like fingerprints

By FrederiqueE12

Students protest red and square

Another day of student protests in Montreal; there were three protests simultaneously blocking three different large streets. We got the medical students in white lab coats and carrying all sorts of red blocks and sticks. Red is the colour of this protest and even the security guard in my building has pinned a little red square on his chest. Brave man. After a jolly march under our windows at work, the students built a strange abstract art piece in front of the line of policemen in gear. Complete with little dolls. (The art piece, not the policemen.) 1625$ is the expected raise in the next five years, the dolls are the future victims unable to go to university. Not sure what the arrows stuck in are for. Maybe some of these students saw The Hunger Games this week-end and got a bit confused. Who said doctors (future) were not creative...

P.S. I do not make light of the movie and the books The Hunger Games which I saw last week-end and which are to me very disturbing and dark yet full of meaning. There is just a lot of arrows shooting in it.

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