Like fingerprints

By FrederiqueE12

Creative rebels

The students protest continued today with a creative twist. All the students marching, a few thousands this time, were asked to wear masks on one of four themes. (Not sure what they are but saw lots of devils and lots of animals. Lots of other things too so not sure everyone followed the call.) They were then to divide in four groups by theme and take over the four different subway lines. They were also wearing masks to protest a proposal by the city (which I support) to forbid masked protests. I am sick of Black Block destroyers who cowardly hide behind their black masks to only destroy windows, steal and do pointless violence. I told the students they were wrong to associate their cause which a lot of people support with an anarchist one I so despised. I took quite a few colourful pictures but this young man wins my vote for his home-made cubist feline animalist creativity.

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