Family Dog

By Family_Dog

here come the girls!

You know you're onto a winner when your night begins with 3 bottles of cava between 5 of you AND they have to be drunk in under an hour before your cab comes.


This was my wetting of the baby's head party. It was a royal success. I've been advised to hurry up and have more children so we can do it all over again! I staggered home at 3pm on Sunday afternoon - now THAT is what I call missing the first feed of the day! (and the 2nd, and the 3rd!)

I suggest an annual girl's party. In this day and age there's hardly any hen nights, there's hardly any bleeding weddings! So long as we have our own wee place, away from the general public (for their safety!) then why not? It was fun.

After we got kicked out of the Phoenix cellar bar, we hop skipped & jumped to CCs for a bit of good old fashioned dancing round the handbags.

It's easy to complain about all the stuff that comes from being a woman (shan't write it all down here) but things like this (and of course the shoes) make it all worth while!

Love you ladies. xxx

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