I am happy.
He made this bread and cake for me this morning.
For my birthday.
It is foggy outside and the sun is lightly shining through the mist.
I am happy.
The children are still sleeping.
That also makes me happy :D
We went to the theater last night, just the two us of.
It was "When Harry met Sally", I love the movie and I loved the play.
I am happy.
My camera is still resting in the bag and I have no idea how long. Have big plans for April and just read, that nudes are not allowed here. That does not make me happy :P And no- I am not going to photograph myself naked! I have 8 models for that! :D 7 of them are going to be in one picture. I had no idea that it was so easy to get people to participate in my art project.
Would you pose naked for me? :D
I am happy.
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