The Demolition Squad

Can there be anything more fascinating and time consuming than watching men working, where time taken is not on a pro rata rate paid for my me?

I've spent too long this morning watching the removal and re-siting of pillars and a gate into the Meadows from the ground outside the Dower House.
This gate has been permanently locked as long as I can remember, so that only the foolhardy were inclined to scale it, to gain quick access into the park.

The nurses who used to frequent this place were mostly thin enough to slide through a now repaired gap in the railings at the east end of the site thereby avoiding a detour by Middle Meadow Walk.

Today the powers that be decided that the gate and the stone pillars were to be removed and placed further west and the resulting gap made good with a wall and railings.
Whether the new gate will ever be opened to allow access to the Meadows is a secret to all but someone somewhere, who is intent on keeping the rest of us guessing.

It appears to be a very difficult job with much stone cutting, chiselling and heaving of heavy stones. They have left for the weekend with the job half done, and one very sore thumb which the hammer mistook for a chisel.

The sun umbrella was raised bravely again today in anticipation of the reported end to the good weather, and the beginning of the school holidays.
'Twas ever thus.

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