A Dry Run

With no skiing in Scotland, an early downhill run on roller blades is probably the next best thing.
At this early hour the few pedestrians around made convenient obstacles, turning the exercise into a slalom down Middle Meadow Walk.

It was a fortunate encounter providing me with a blip and Yorick with some images of his progress on skates, which will enable him to get back on skis, his preferred option, after a prolonged illness.

I am expecting more skiers this afternoon when son#1, my daughter -in-law and the photo phobic twins from the highlands, where there is no snow whatever, visit on their way to the snows of Switzerland.

His Lordship has invested in their co-operation in a photographic sitting by buying them two Easter Eggs.
Bribery is probably not the way to go, but normal rules do not apply to grandparents.

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