Shadow 3

I had no intention of making a series of shadows but here you have number three all the same. The thing is you see that we don't see shadows all that often here in the Emerald Isle. Far too many of our days are overcast and pretty well shadowless. This week has been glorious though and all these hitherto unseen shadows have been popping up all over the place making for orresistable blips.

The eagle eyes properly spotted that yesterdays example was indeed caused by the sun shining through the windows of our office building. I stepped out of the lift and there was the shadow almost begging to be blipped. A quick dash back to the car for the camera and I had it in the bag,

Today's shadow should be immediately obvious. I was out on the deck 3 stories up in what is known as "smokers alley" where the smokers gather in little communal huddles when I noticed this at the far end of the building. With a bit of luck you will have something different tomorrow.

Last nights session at Greystones Camera Club went just fine and I managed to get away from them before I was lynched by those who didn't win!! Seriously though, they all seemed pretty pleased and presented me with a voucher worth 50 Euro for my troubles. Most unexpected. They really ought not to have done that. There seemed to be a bit of interest in Blipfoto too and I wouldn't be surprised if some sign up before too long.

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