Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Abbey Habit

I often pass Newark Priory on the way home from work. It found its way into an episode of Morse once, despite being nowhere near Oxford. I have a real affection for it, although it is on private land and difficult to reach; I have been up close in the past but they have renewed the barbed wire recently and I can't be arsed to risk it. I love ruins, and this one has a faint echo of Fountains Abbey, one of the truly great places in Britain to connect with history and that odd mystic energy that surrounds some old sites.

A little walk around Ripley was my reward for a gruelling board meeting, poignant for being my boss's last. Finishing early meant I was able to sit in a pub garden with TSM for half an hour and have a chilled start to the weekend, and then catch up with The Girl Racer over a fish finger sandwich. Mind you both the women in my life accuse me of not listening to them; they don't realise that I hear more than they think...

Very little to say tonight. Chilled out. Have a lovey weekend. I plan to.

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