Live, love, laugh

By Rianka

Japanese Dinner

During morning class we did some dancing today. It was so very lovely. One of the children really likes to sing, and he also knows all the dances. It was very cute to see!

During lunchbreak I had a wonderful time: sitting outside in the sun with my book. This is one of my favorite things to do and it was very relaxing.

After this we went to the other schoolbuilding. We just arrived when one of the teachers (Wang Laoshi) came to us and told us that the headmaster told her to bring us somewhere. We asked where, but she didn't know.. So we went with her to a car, in which the headmaster and another teacher were sitting. That teacher immediately told us that we are going to buy gifts. For us! As a 'thank you' for all the time we spent at Xinxinyulu.
We went by car to a big building with all kinds of traditional Chinese crafts. The headmaster talk to us the whole way, while the teacher wrote it down and tried to translate it together with Kaho. Headmaster talked to us about the government and his opinion of it, about parents and children at the school. He talked about how he feels for the children and wants to give them a better chance in society. He also told us about things that happened a thousand years ago. But the funniest thing he said to us is that his dream is to win the Nobel price once for his work. Then he will be on tv and we can tell all of our friends we know him and worked with him. The man is very funny :)
And so very sweet! We got all these lovely presents. He bought us a small statue of a beautiful Chinese woman, a small statue of little monkeys (which is a little bit weird), a papercutting of our Chinese zodiac and a beautiful red bracelet. We were so spoiled!

We went back by car and talked to the teacher about Beijing. We didn't go back to school though, but got dropped off at home, so we were home I think almost two hours earlier. So we went to the supermarket to get the final ingredients for tonight's dinner. Kaho made a tradional Japanese dinner for me and Lee Laoshi.
It was delicious! I especially loved the rice and the sweet egg-pancake-thingie. We talked a lot (with some help of Google Translate) and the teacher even wrote in my friendshipbook. The most fun thing we did together she wrote was having dinner together and crossing the street, which is dangerous some times. It was a lot of fun. She also told me tonight that I do not have to go to work next week. I would be free for three days because of the QingMen festival. But now I am free for a whole 9 days. 'To take a rest' she told me. Which for me means: traveling!

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