
By cowgirl

Eggs is eggs, innit?!

Who said that? And what did they mean by it?

I've had a couple of days work at Pickleberry again this week, but tend to spend half my wages on buying cute gifts that Jan sells along with her delicious lunches and cakes.

Today I came home with 1/2 a dozen eggs because I wanted to try the blue ones ( laid by Godley and Cream ) for breakfast tomorrow! They're not artificially coloured, the shells are naturally that colour when they're laid.

The other eggs were produced by Star, Wendy, Blossom and Buttercup.

Off to a Joe Bonamassa gig in Birmingham later. Saw him last year, with a seat right under his nose, and he was fanatastic, so I reckon it's going to be a good night.

( Did I mention we saw Black Stone Cherry, supported by Rival Sons last Monday night ... can't remember if I did, but well worth listening to their stuff if you like a bit of rock )

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