Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Two Tone Daffs

I do love daffs and there's a fair few bunches of them in the garden.

Thanks for all your comments yesterday. Work was fine. My colleague doesn't take anything personally and is so laid back that I doubt anything would worry her for too long. We had a bit of a chat about what happened but it wasn't such a big deal. She has been trying to email me the new rota all afternoon but I've only just received it now and it's all encoded so I can't read the thing. Just texted her to bring it in tomorrow. No further comment until I've studied the new rota!!!

I have been really tired today though as it was pretty full on this morning with all wards ordering a lot more bloods than they are entitled to request. Weekend bloods are supposed to be emergency bloods only and there is a limit to the amount of bloods that two of us covering the entire hospital can take! I just chilled this afternoon.

Lewis has had his friend here all day and has spent most of the day out. Rowan and Jed have been out most of the day too.

Just the evening to get through before doing it all again tomorrow.

Have a great evening.

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