Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Laptop hell!

This is Lewis's laptop which has been driving me dotty for the past couple of days. For some unknown reason, the sound disappeared from it. I had a mess around on it last night, trying to get the sound back. I phoned my friend, Cathy, in London who is a bit of a computer wiz on the quiet, to help but still no joy. Thanks anyway, Cathy, and I hope you're feeling better today. This afternoon I thought I might as well have another mess around with the laptop...searched through plenty of helpful forums to read up on how to fix the problems and I did it. I had to delete old drivers, download and input new drivers and the sound's back. I feel quite pleased with myself now!

Work this morning went well and I managed to get some food shopping in on the way home. I have a problem with my car window in that, if I open it, it won't close. Sometimes I forget, especially when the weather is sunny. I ended up running around the supermarket to return to my car with the window completely down before some opportunist thief did their thing. All was well and I even managed to fiddle with the faulty switch and tease the window shut again. I tell you, I have got the touch today! I worked with my colleague again (see past two days) and she is now concerned that I am down on the rota to work the Bank Holiday Monday and she isn't. She would like me to swap. I won't because it affects my annual leave and, seeing as I'm already off this week, I don't want to use up my annual leave as it will probably come in handy later in the year. Why do I feel guilty though?!!

Looking forward to this week off with the boys. I'm now going to google cheap days out in the North West. Any ideas?

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