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Scott and Gordon at Lochhouses, East Lothian. We had a brilliant day visiting Scott's family who are "Glamping" at Harvest Moon. You can see the "tent" (more of a canvas house really!) and lots more on Flickr. What a great day! (Did I already say that?)

Big Surf.

We set off at 11.30 to get Duncan and Malcolm to Red's house for Matthew's birthday weekend starting at 12, then turned around to head out to Lochhouses where we were due at 1pm. For some reason, I had thought we would have time to take the slightly longer - and much flatter - 10 mile route via Binning Wood, but we didn't and so it was straight up the looooooooooooong hill from Tyninghame. That may be the hardest cycle I have ever done! - including the 7 mile uphill at Innerleithen. Tandem, tag-a-long, trailer, 2 children, up, up, up... Oohya.

However! It was all worth it when we crested the hill to find a bunch of cyclists struggling up the other side of the hill. We waved breezily and whooped as we zoomed down again. Respect? I bloody hope so.

Then to the Glamping and great company in the continuing Spring Sunshine. Just like last year in fact, when we were getting ready to head off to Arran and had such a great spring.

Home was harder - the children were knackered (obviously) and it transpired that Gordon hadn't eaten lunch and was basically hollow. We stopped in East Linton and got a Mars Bar and a banana down him with copious water and he wakened up. But, by then Katie had had enough and we were all glad to get home for hot baths, hot pasta and a sneaky sleep in big brothers' beds ;)

(Yet) Another wonderful day together on the bike and in the sunshine!

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