just allan

By allan

Wind Blue-en

The North Sea from Dunbar East Beach. I had a little time after the train arrived in Dunbar so I popped down to the nearest beach, which is downhill and downwind from the station. So, these waves are the last blip in March, cropped a bit but nothing more. The wind was fierce, blowing the clouds and light over very quickly. I thought I could see rainbows in the spray blown off the surf but maybe not. I'll look out for that another day.

Yesterday I used the polarising lens to take some semi-transparent water pictures, but I wasn't happy with them and didn't use them. Today I tried again and initially uploaded one, but then changed my mind. It's a remarkably hard thing to do! I'll try again another day.

In fact, I noticed that there's a really cheesy painting at work which does it. The evenness of the painting is what's hard to recreate in a photograph - everything's in focus and the light is nice for the transparent sea at the bottom, nice for the sea surface and land in the centre, nice for the sky at the top. Tricky.

Parents night at the school and they're all OK. That wind gave me a struggle to get there on the bike, but I made it in time to hear what star Gordon is, and discuss how Malcolm and Duncan are coming along. All good, and the nursery teacher caught me to let me know that Katie is a wee star too. We both knew I knew, which is good to know!

Music: Iron and Wine's "kiss each other clean". After coming across this beardy fellow yesterday via his collaboration with Calexico, I picked up his new album today. I was expecting a more pared-down sound but after a few listens I'm beginning to get it. You gotta move on.

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