Cornish Times

By David1970

Camera Shot

Sauntering down Memory Lane with my Dad the other day, the conversation inevitably drifted towards old photos of family, friends and all those that have long since departed this life for pastures new. Floating into my mind came grainy memories of far off sunny days, holidays and sandy beaches; uncles and aunts and smiley faces; and the sound of laughter as that camera went......'click'.

Luckily for me, I have the pleasure of owning that camera which captured so many precious moments in time. The camera, belonging to my Mum, who was usually doing the snapping is a Kodak 127 Brownie bought around the early 50's. Not an expensive camera, even for the time. Not 'all singing', and definitely not 'all dancing' and made of Bakerlite too. But despite all this, this camera went everywhere with us, my Mum's constant companion. It captured all my memories; my first day at school, me and my mates, our yearly adventures in the 'Mother Country', just in case we forgot our Irish roots or, just sitting around the kitchen table doing nothing in particular. Through that viewfinder my life, our lives were recorded.

These days it sits on a bookshelf, hence the setting, unused, but much loved...

P.S. A small vote of thanks must go to the lovely Miss Ellen Terry for her unfailing support in the production of this photograph....

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