Cornish Times

By David1970

P-egg leg..

At a loose end we set a course for Truro today to indulge in a spot of rampaging and pillaging. After a hearty meal of Omlettes and cake washed down with some of the finest Tea this side of Ceylon we then docked with the good ship Marks & Spencer. Hopping aboard we saw to our amazement the above little shipmate! A fellow rampager and pillager; a comrade on the High Seas!

Here he is pictured next to his ship ....'The Eggdeavour'; and a fine ship she is too! He told us he was to set sail for Charlestown, where he heard...there be Pirates! Some of them, he heard were even dresiing up as Adam & the Ants fans! I told him that would be highly unlikely and would probably never, ever happen...

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