Amy's Art

By amysart


This is Callum, Luke's son..

As from Saturday, Callum came to live with us permanently (im soooo tired already!!!!) which is nice cos he loves seeing his dad & Luke doesnt get to see him often as he's always away! He's only 5. And me &Callum get on fine (i guess its cos i have a mind of a 4 year old 9 times outta 10!)..

Had a hectic week making sure Callum is settled, and yesterday i berried my grandad :(
And this afternoon we had a wedding reception to go to hence Callum being dressed like this! so thats why no blips, sorry!!

He's so adorable, it's great fun having him living with us & the company will do me some good when Luke is away. And it also takes my mind off personal issues also... its always good to be busy but not too busy!!!!

Only jut put him to bed as he wouldnt settle and its 10.30pm!! Getting his school sorted next week, he used to live down south with his mum and the move was sudden!!

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