Amy's Art

By amysart

It's Official...

... I HATE WORK!!!!!!!!

Basically I work for my Step Dad's company!!
And he's just started working in that Canary Worve place or what ever its called!
Basically my step dad is building a machine/computer thing that basically scan £1,000,000,000 every hour into 1 certain bank!

And today after being off work so long and starting back at work yesterday i'm now considering quitting!!! I had some stupid woman screaming at me down the phone all day... But i have to keep my cool when on the phone, which is difficult when your feeling crappy anyway!! Otherwise my step dad could potentially loose an awful lot of money!!!

Good thing about it is, I work in mmy own home!!

Callum's school is sorted he start's monday, i'm off to watch some tele then off to bed! WORK AGAIN at 8.30am GREAT!!!!

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