Saville Rogue Bears!

Firstly let me say thank you to my fantabulous cousin Kenny for fixing my internet. We came home last night to no internet, the signal was going from the router to the computers but nothing was going to the router! Sometimes I suspect BT are at it because guaranteed in the next few days we will get rubbish junk mail from them telling us how good they are! Anhows Kenny came down and after an indordinate amount of time on a premium phone line to very patient but very good guys in Bangledash for Talk Talk they finally got it sorted and boy was I grateful! Its not untill you lose something that you realise how much you depend on it.

Todays picture is of some teddies . Yesterday I took some stuff up to a high fulooting West End charity shop but also decided to buy these three guys for the wee kids next door to us in Glasgow as they had just had another wee bairn (their parents had the bairn not the kids!). Now note I said charity shop so you can imagine my shock when the bold lady charged me £7.50 for these three miniscule second hand teds!
I wasnt expecting to get them for notheing but £7.50!!!! get a grip Marie Curie shop on Hyndland rd, that as out of order. ~Ok I bought them but it will be a while before I go back. Charity begins at the home and incase you were wondering why I was such a cheap skate buying second hand teds for them, its because A) I liked the wee guys and B) thought I was doing good by buying them from a chrity shop and C) I thought yes they will be cheap!~!!! wrong! Should have told them to stuff them, Ach what the heck some you win, some you lose!

Happy blipping all

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