B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT

Wishing you were here

Colby has had a hard time dealing with Mimi Corson's death over the past year. Over the winter months the cemetary is closed and it's difficult to visit her grave. Since the spring melt is early this year, he's inquired numerous times this week if we could visit. When I said that we could, he ran into his room, changed his shirt and put on a tie. My heart warmed as he came out of his room all dressed up. When I asked why he had changed, his response was "I want to look nice for her". I smiled and away we went. It was just he and I at the cemetary and as we came upon her grave he began to cry. I encouraged him to talk to her as if she were here, I know she's listening and she'll want to hear what's on your mind.

It was hard for him to start - to overcome the feeling that you're talking to yourself. Again, I asked him to just talk like she's here in front of you. (I gave him a minute to talk to her in private and stepped back to capture this moment). His words made my heart swell, he asked if she could be at his birthday party tomorrow. That he'll miss not having her there and if she could send him a sign that she's there. I asked him what kind of sign he'd like to see.... he responded with a cloud in the shape of a heart. I forced the tears back and hugged him.

Upon arriving home, to try to clear his mind, we talked about the benefits of completing his homework tonight. In that he wouldn't have to do any of it on his birthday. He agreed and we took our first look at his homework for the week. I took out the poem he's required to read.... it's title written in bold letters across the top.... "CLOUDS".

...... I know they're all here with us!

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