Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks


As the Common Yellowthroat was still around I decided on a second visit to Wales, plus there was the bonus of a pair of Long-billed Dowitchers en-route(ish) at Meare Heath in Somerset.

Today's photo shows the two Long-billed Dowitchers, three Ruff and a Black-tailed Godwit in flight - yup that's not a good sign for the Common Yellowthroat.

So moving on to Rhiwderyn we have a rather frustrating tale to tell. On arrival I was told it had been seen five minutes ago, around half an hour later there was another sighting as it flew from one area of deep ferns to another. Another half hour and another couple arrived and almost immediately spotted it on a branch, but then lost it. So far I'd seen nothing.

Another half hour and it's high up in a hedge, as I come round the corner I see it fly 30m to another hedge, then from a distance I see it work its way along the bottom of the hedge. None of these sightings are "good". At this stage there are four of us and we're now close to the hedge. The others are saying they can hear it, but my ears aren't that good. Then I catch a glimpse of yellow, but lose it again. The others see it and it's working its way along the bottom of the hedge, coming in and out of view, giving nice views, but I've decided to try and get a photo and with the narrower field of view didn't catch it at all. The others dispersed happy. I hung around for another couple of hours. Other birders turned up, but it wasn't seen again today - hey ho.

Left home 5:30 arrived Meare Heath 9:00 184 miles, departed Meare Heath 9:35 arrived Rhiwderyn 10:45 251 miles, departed Rhiwderyn 15:20 arrived home 19:00 414 miles - £80 of petrol.

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