People skills!

Another boring work day but managed to get things done albiet slowly!
Went down the town to the local pet shop taking a sample of a certain type of dog food that seems to agree with Abbie dogs and her dodgy tummy.

Asked bloke who owns the place "can you manage to order this type of food?"
"No idea" he says in an ignorant aggressive manner! "Well at the moment I have to travel either to Oban of Glasgow and the wee pet shop in Glasgow sells it for 95 a pack as does the big pet shop in Oban" says I trying to be helpful
" well it depends on the supplier , if he doesnt have it then its a no!" such a delightful chap NOT! If you are a grumpy bugger and hate dealing with stupid public DON'T HAVE A SHOP IDIOT!
Then he pipes up it might take him three eeks to come up with and answer, felt like telling him to ***k off! I might just source it on the internet myself, might even get it cheaper. Then just as I was about to leave his premisis, his wife or whatever begins shouting at him "leave them alone and don't start tormenting them, they are bad enough already" I thought does she mean me? so I beat a hasty retreat

The big hairy coo in the picture was much more obliging than the hairy assed individual in the pet shop!

Happy blipping all

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