
By Cairistiona1

No Hairdryer

Woke up to snow.
Cancelled a meeting.
Tried to dry out my hairdryer (the snow had blown in the window and it was soaking).
Cancelled going in to work.
Realised hairdryer wasn't going to dry out.
The power was down...

So the heating was off,
the gas fire didn't work
and the hob didn't work either.

What ass put in all these safety devices
so that nothing worked without power?
We live in the countryside FGsake!

Oh, that would be me then.
Seemed like a good idea at the time.
Better sort it I suppose.

Went out to the shed
The one the man couldn't remember (???)
To get wood.

Lit a fire.
Sat huddled up around it all morning.
Cosy but I smell of smoke.

Edited a document on my iPad.
Saved said document
and answered a few emails.

Rubbish O2 connection
fades in and out
all the time.

After much ducking and diving
up and down the stairs
to get a signal

i think I can say that
I am well and truly glad
that the working day is done.

Of course the power is on again now.

Pity I don't have a hairdryer
and look like
the woman that met a brillo pad.

Hey ho.

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