Kai for company

After seeing Jo(se) last night she had asked if I would mind dog sitting for her and her boyfriend Graeme as they wanted to stay over in Edinburgh for the night. Graeme and Jo have a massive house, a massive sofa and a 3D TV....EH YEAH NO PROBLEM.

So after work it was a wonderfully chilled night at the McLaren household with a chinese, tv and the biggest dozy loving dog ever! Kai is a massive Akita and on 2 legs would totally knock me over but so nice to hang out with for the night.

HOWEVER I am quite devastated that on Paddy's day I didnt go out...the last few weeks have been so so so hectic that this is defo what I needed.

Also Happy 21st to my cousin Perry (and irish boy born on st paddy's = carnage night out) x

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