
It was tricky enough getting my head back into that whole Proper Job thing, without having to contend with a day of extreme weather. The only photos I took were through rain-streaked windows on the bus to the station and from the train to Newcastle - of course, the camera likes to focus on the streaks. This was taken somewhere just north of Berwick, looking out at the North Sea which was as wild as I've ever seen it from the train. Blippers outwith the British Isles might be interested in the contrast between the weather today and that of a week ago, captured in these satellite images by Dundee University

Then after having got my nose stuck into all the unread emails and other stuff that needed to be dealt with, I noticed on the train website that there were major problems on the line home, something about broken power cables and a broken down train. I headed for the station asap and got onto one of the few trains going north that hadn't been cancelled, along with several hundred other weary travellers. I had to stand in the space between carriages (just outside the toilet, very handy) for three hours, on a journey that usually takes an hour and a half.

Good things were (i) getting home eventually to a hot cup of tea and a delicious pizza prepared by Mr H and (ii) finding out that Shandonner's unexpected and extremely unwelcome relapse was just a garbled rumour put about by a confused student. Bloody students!

Time for a glass of wine.

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