Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Watch Out, Percy!

Rowan's homework for this half-term is to keep a diary about growing something from a seed. Yesterday, I was set to buy him a packet of seeds when I spotted these all in one pots for £1....Rowan opted for wild rocket. Yesterday evening, he planted the seeds (and spilled a fair few on the table) and today he's watering them.

So, today was the second day of half-term and we went to the swimming pool in Chorley. Rowan is the only one of my boys who isn't a confident swimmer but today it just clicked. He had goggles and was swimming underwater. He did really well. Chorley is a great pool for children as it's fairly shallow...even at the deep end it's only about 6ft. At 11am, the fun starts when they have water shooting from three huge balls, an umbrella fountain of water and a water slide. We meant to go for an hour and ended up staying about three hours.

Lewis has spent most of the day at Kyle's and today they both attended the boxing club in the village. Lewis returned looking like he'd had a good work out. They'd been doing squats, sit-ups and boxing. He'll be as fit as a flea if he keeps this up.

I went to my fat club, did 45 minutes of aerobics and felt it.

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