Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

As Exciting As It Gets...

Taking Dolly's advice from has been very relaxing. Didn't have to be up at 6.30am so surfaced around 9am. Luxury!

The boys have had friends around and either played outside or on the computer. In, out, freezing with the doors constantly open! Lewis is sleeping over at his friend Kyle's house tonight. They are both joining a boxing club this week so, as Jed and I were nipping onto the local retail park anyway, we bought a pair of gloves for Lewis. He then had a spar with me in the kitchen, somehow I think he will be quite good!

I did see a mother and daughter in Tesco with the most amazing hair...the mum's hair was a browny-orange with a lighter horizontal stripe all around the middle...and the daughter's hair was bright pink...alongside them was a lady with a multi-coloured, stripey cardigan. I was too chicken to get my camera out of my pocket though as I always feel I will be escorted out of the store by security....I wish I'd been braver and blipped it now. So, all you get today is a boring car park shot with the Reebok in the background! And yes, I know I really don't like the big T but sometimes needs must and all that and amazingly the check out lady was actually friendly...a miracle!!

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