A Vile Vial

The definition of 'vile', in this case, being "unpleasant or objectionable".

Tonight's news is most unpleasant and objectionable. Mother Comfort has fallen and broken her hip this evening :-( I finally understand why it is that, sometimes, people really do decline after breaking a hip. I have always argued that people who break hips often are up and going in no time after surgery. This is true when the person can tolerate the surgery and when they are strong enough to be up and going. When, on the other hand, a person is not in good enough shape for surgery, the sedentary life that follows a broken hip creates a serious challenge to keeping the lungs clear.

The kind of pain involved requires quite a bit of medication. The pain medication, while having some benefit, inspires a lot of sleeping and inactivity. Inactivity is a bit of a deal breaker when it comes to Mother Comfort's plans to 'get moving' again.

It hasn't fully sunk in that Mother Comfort is unlikely to be making laps around the house any time soon. She's been so resilient, so feisty. Tonight she reassured us that, at least Pepsi (her cat) has finally decided to be friendly, so she knows she will be taken care of. Sigh.

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