Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Not Lincoln Logs

From this until now, they've made some serious progress and continue to erect an addition to the hospital while we come and go, and go and come.

Is this inspired by children playing with Legos who grow up to be men, or are Legos inspired by men playing with big boy toys and little children wanting to be like them. This may be a very important "which came first, the chicken or the egg" moment.

Mother Comfort is in a out of it, as pain meds ebb and flow. Tiny bits of conversation that are clear and focused, then "where's Pepsi? Whhhhhheeeeere's Pepsi?" "There's my girl!" which seemed to be the most effective escape for her absolutely stressed out of her mind kind of day.

Tired. Love ya' Blipland...

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