Views from the Edge

By ElviraTSquirrel

Landing gear

so...this latest batch of work is done and the Easter holidays have started.

Dtr and I went off to John o Groats where some of her friends are working in the the new ice-cream shop "Flavours". Ok so it was 7 degrees but still, it was a lovely drive out there.

The ice-cream is lovely and the sundaes really tasty. Although I had a chocolate cherry sundae and nearly choked as we sat on the wall looking over the sea to Orkney. not inhale cherries...its not a good idea!

On the way home we went via Wick...needed petrol for a days shopping tomorrow and its cheaper than Thurso by about 7p a litre, on the way we stopped in a layby to watch a HUGE flock of geese...some were already in the field and some were still coming in to land.

So here are my favourites....with their landing gear down :)

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