Davince net

By Davince


Another crap day, yet again ruined by that most hatefully incompetent company Aviva. I swear I've never known an insurance company like it. They've said my car is a total loss (write off in layman's terms) but the engineer then started inventing problems that 'may' have happened that they aren't liable for, and that magically devalue the car to the point it's virtually worthless so they don't have to give me more than a few quid. If I were a layman, I'd probably have just nodded my head and accepted it woefully. The fact I suspected something like this, have many years experience so stripped and checked the engine before allowing them to take it away, tells me he's absolutely full of s**t. Just to make matters worse, when confronting him with that fact he just repeats his last sentence, as though saying it over and over again may somehow make it any more factual?!

A picture for my mood. It's not how I intended it to come out but it sorta along the rough lines so it's very much a 'sod it that'll do' from me today.

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