Our little daughter!

Well, here she is - Joti! After having been in Pre labour from 7.30am to 8pm, the contractions started to increase and I was 4cm dilated. They continued to increase, getting really bad by midnight then at 1am I needed to push! I was fully dilated by that time so my obstetrician, Danielle, was called and 15 minutes later, just as danielle walked in the door and put some gloves on, Joti was out!!

It was the most amazing experience! She has been sleeping most of the day and wasn't interested in feeding but has had one feed since then and is sleeping soundly now!

Spence came in this afternoon to meet his little sister (who he calls Shellington, after one of the characters in the cartoon 'The Octonauts'!!) and had a hold of her for a minute. We had put a new car in Joti's cot for Spence to find as a present to him so he was happy!!

Our friends, Scott and Tarsh, called in to meet Joti and have taken Spence with them for a few days! It's great that Kaz can spend the time here in hospital with Joti and I!

We have had 1 1/2 hours sleep in the past 36 so are hoping for a good sleep tonight!!

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