It's just a phase

By HelenMcCann

Health and safety

Busy day. Took the kids to the supermarket this morning. I know how to spoil them! Bought chocolate and rice krispies to make choc nests. Came home. Started to make said nests. Burnt the chocolate in the microwave. Made them anyway. Had lunch. Put babies to bed. Performed a language assessment on no1 son (saddo that I !!!). Don't think he'll co-operate to do it many more times but pleased to see that his vocabulary is now 2yrs and 8 months ahead of his chronological age. Not that I'm pushy or anything.... Traipsed all 3 into town to meet a friend and see fireman sam in the shopping centre. We were not allowed to join the queue as sam was only appearing for half an hour and in the interests of health and safety the line was limited to a certain number. So this was as near as we got. Cue 2 disappointed 5 year olds! Then home again for tea via the barbers for no1 son's well overdue haircut. Need a lie down in a darkened room!!!!

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